Counter Hits

Tip 2:2 be successful

Here are all the points to be successful in life. If you want to be successful in life follow these instructions. If you are able to follow all these then, you're sure to be successful in LIFE!

Sincerity: Sincerity is the must important things to be successful in life.  Don't try to deceive or impress by doing show off. Be sincere and what do you thing is right and see how many people love you. If you wanna be good by doing show off then, nobody will like you.  So, be sincere and be within yourself. Do what you think is right because sincere people don't thing bad and evil about others!

Honest: Be honest while dealing with others and yourself! You must be familiar with the proverb "HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY". So be honest. When others interacts with you let them see your honesty. Let them see someone who is reputable, honest and genuine. Then everybody will have good and positive think about you and will try to help you if you are in any problem.

Hearty: Be someone who is honest, clam and a good person. People love those who are hearty and clam. So to get love and respect from people you need to be hearty. Your heart should be full of love and affection. Don't be angry or rude with anyone. Be calm patient and hearty.

Courtesy: Practice good manners even though others beside you are having or not. Be polite with everyone and everyone will also be polite with you. Therefore, Courtesy is also needed to be successful in life!  

Charity: Be charitable in life. Share and give others too  what you have especially to those who don't have and who don't deserve. Then people who had bad thinking about you will also be removed from them!

Incorruptibility: Let that be known to other people that selling our own national and private things which are very precious is very bad. People don't like the corrupted people. Our country is also not developing due to the corruption. Let it be known to everyone that being corrupted can not be profitable in life!

Sound: Being sound in life also helps to reach the goals.  Show good judgement and senses to everyone. 


Tip 1 : 2 Be successful

For being successful, the most important thing that you need is:

Patience:  Patience means being patient to anybody and everybody. Patience is only possible if you think of god about others and if you have a great heart of controlling yourself and forgiving others. Being patience is not easy for everyone. For being patience, you need to have control within your body and spirit.
                                Patience is very much essential and necessary to be successful in life. In the road of  success, you might get many slaps. So, you must be able to control these slaps by yourself. Remember one thing! NO PAIN, NO GAIN . If you want to get something in life you need to be able to confront the pain Happily. Then Only you'll be successful in LIFE!  Being able to confront the pain yourself happily may lead you to be successful in life. So, this is considered as the most important thing to be successful. You are great within yourself and others if you are patient. So be patient to everyone. Never consider anyone high or low. All are equal and you should also sow patience to everyone. Then only it would be easier to be successful in LIFE!  It is the key to SUCCESS



One Intro and Of Course A Lesson!!!

Do you know Mark Zuckerburg?

I hope that all of you know! How can anyone forget his name? Everybody must be connected with social network FACEBOOK. He is the one who made FACEBOOK. How can anyone ordinary be successful to Make a successful website like FACEBOOK. Well, I tell you its not a small work but you can also be successful as Mark Zuckerburg. The secret of being successful is hard work and labour. Zuckerburg also had worked for many days without thinking of any other things then only he was successful.

        Therefore, for being successful, hard work is the key and you must also have talents on your own because without talent and handwork, nothing is possible to be Done!   

      So, one secret of being successful REVEALED! Work hard and be talented on what you are                          interested in!  Then, your success is for sure!!